


Competition among body parts in the development and evolution of insect morphology
Changes in form during ontogeny and evolution depend in large measure on changes in the relative growth of the various parts of the body.  The current consensus in developmental biology is that the final size of appendages and internal organs is regulated autonomously, within the structure itself.  Size regulation of body parts typically requires no external control and is thought to be relatively insensitive to signals from the developmental environment.  We show in two very different systems, butterfly wings and beetle horns, that experimentally induced changes in the allocation of developmental resources to one trait produces compensatory changes in the relative sizes of other traits.  These findings illustrate that interaction among body parts in development is part of the mechanism of size regulation of those parts.  Furthermore, in the case of beetle horns, we show that the tradeoff in size is manifest as a significant negative genetic correlation among the involved body parts and, therefore, constitutes a developmental source of genetic constraint on the evolution of body form.

蝶々には大きな4枚の羽がある訳だが、幼虫のイモムシの中で作られつつある各羽の原基からそのうち後ろの羽の一つもしくは二つを取り除くと、取り除かれなかった方の前の羽が普通より大きく成長するんだそうな。つまり、ここで示されているのは発生中の体内における器官間の成長競争であり、組織中の細胞同士による生存競争であるcell competitionとはもちろん異なる現象。“compensatory proliferation”ではなく“resource allocation tradeoff”。でもこれってよく考えてみりゃ植物では普通に見られる現象かな?

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