さて、今回の帰国では去年と同じ、分子生物学会(MBSJ2011)で催される「Cell Competition」のワークショップでトークをします。ワークショップの概要は以下の通り。一日目(12月13日)の17時50分からです。
Cell competition: A new frontier toward understanding cell-cell communication
Tissue development and homeostasis are regulated by the coordination of cell death and cell proliferation within multicellular communities. Such coordination is facilitated by a phenomenon called "cell competition", which is a concept of cell cell communication, in which faster growing cells (‘winners’) in the tissue eliminate adjacent slower-growing cells (‘losers’) by inducing cell death. Cell competition is thought to play a role in organ size control by absorbing fluctuations of the 'cell proliferation/cell death balance' during normal development, as well as in tumorigenesis, cancer progression, and maintenance of stem cell populations in their niche. In this workshop, we would like to have an exciting and stimulating discussion to impact the future direction of this field.