

いかん、このところなんやら色んな締め切りに追われていて、本当にやるべきことを全てやっているのか不安になってくる。で、そんなことを言っているうちに、気付くと明日から発生生物学会の秋季シンポジウムが始まるやん。。。自分が担当している企画セッションは明日一日目の夕方。まぁ1時間の短いセッションだけど、スピーカーの皆さん cutting-edge で exciting なお話をしてくれるはず。ということで、秋季シンポに参加される方は、ぜひ以下のセッション「Early Development of Cancer」をお楽しみください。ちなみに、秋季シンポは「日本語でしっかり議論する」とホームページ言ってますが、このセッションだけは、このすぐ後にプリナリーレクチャーをしてくれるDr. DSにちょっぴり気を遣ってEnglishでいくことになっております。

Early Development of Cancer
Oct. 19th, 17:20~18:20
Malignant tumors are caused by uncontrolled proliferation of transformed mutant cells that have lost the ability to maintain tissue integrity. The process of tumor development in which tissue organization is progressively disrupted appears to be contrast to embryogenesis or organogenesis. As cancer is alternatively dubbed as “neoplasm,” however, tumors arise as newly developing cells in a tissue. In fact, several issues in development biology such as growth and proliferation, angiogenesis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition are also can be seen in the process of tumor progression. In this session, we would like to discuss the early development of neoplasms which has been poorly understood.

Yoichiro Tamori, PhD, National Institute of Genetics
Epithelial tumors originate in tumor hotspots, a tissue-intrinsic microenvironment

Tohru Ishitani, PhD, Kyushu University
Apoptotic elimination of cells lacking harmony of Wnt/β-catenin signaling

Masato Enomoto, PhD, Kyoto University
Src drives cell-to-cell propagation of JNK signaling to control tumorigenesis and regeneration

Shunsuke Kon, PhD, Hokkaido University
Role of cell competition in multi-sequential carcinogenesis

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