

Spontaneous body contractions are modulated by the microbiome of Hydra.  Scientific Reports, 7: 15937. 
Spontaneous contractile activity, such as gut peristalsis, is ubiquitous in animals and is driven by pacemaker cells.  In humans, disruption of the contraction pattern leads to gastrointestinal conditions, which are also associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis.  Spontaneous contractile activity is also present in animals lacking gastrointestinal tract.  Here we show that spontaneous body contractions in Hydra are modulated by symbiotic bacteria.  Germ-free animals display strongly reduced and less regular contraction frequencies.  These effects are partially restored by reconstituting the natural microbiota.  Moreover, soluble molecule(s) produced by symbiotic bacteria may be involved in contraction frequency modulation.  As the absence of bacteria does not impair the contractile ability itself, a microbial effect on the pacemakers seems plausible.  Our findings indicate that the influence of bacteria on spontaneous contractile activity is present in the early-branching cnidarian hydra as well as in Bilateria, and thus suggest an evolutionary ancient origin of interaction between bacteria and metazoans, opening a window into investigating the roots of human motility disorders. 

蠕動(ぜんどう:peristalsis)というのは、消化管などで見られる筋肉の自律的な運動。ヒドラの体が示すこの蠕動の規則的収縮のパターンは、腸内細菌というかsymbiotic bacteriaによって制御されているようだという話。こういうの、オモロイね。

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