さて、この大変な最中に日本からどれくらいの方々が参加されるのか見当がつきませんが、San Diegoで開催される今年のFly Meetingが二週間後に迫ってきました。ということで、ワークショップの告知です。今回は三日目(金曜日)の午後に、うちのボスが神戸のTI博士とベルンのDr. EMと一緒に「Cell Competition」というワークショップを以下のような趣旨でオーガナイズします。
During their lifetime, cells of multicellular animals can suffer insults (mutations, transient errors, infections, oxidative damage) that may compromise their fitness. In Drosophila the process of "cell competition" that seems to recognize and eliminate less adapted or weaker cells of developmental primordia, ensuring that viable but suboptimal cells do not accumulate during development or ageing. How groups of cells compare their relative fitness levels and decide which cell will remain in the tissue ("winner cell") and which cell will be eliminated ("loser cell") will be the main topic of the workshop.
今これを見て気付いたけど、Dr. EMはいつの間にマドリッドからベルンに移ったんだろうか?
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