
Polyploidy Workshop

来週13日からOrlandoで開催される「The Allied Genetics 2016」では、4日目土曜日のワークショップ「Genetic and Genomic Models of Polyploidy」で発表します。Polyploidyのワークショップって初めてやけど、オモシロそうやん。

Genetic and Genomic Models of Polyploidy
July 16th, 4:00-6:00 PM, Crystal Ballroom A-B

Ben Stormo (Don Fox’s Lab) Duke University Medical Center
SIRS: A mechanism for separating polytene chromosomes

Eduardo Orias, PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara
Programmed polyploidy in a naturally non-mitotically dividing somatic nucleus

Neil Umbreit (David Pellman Lab) HHMI/Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Mechanisms and genomic consequences of chromosome bridge breakage

Hung-Ji Tsai, PhD (Rong Li’s Lab) Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Fitness landscape driven by the interaction between gene mutation and aneuploidy

Judith Berman, PhD , Tel Aviv University
Polyploidy and aneuploidy in drug resistance

Andrew Duncan, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Polyploidy drives selection of disease-resistant aneuploidy in the regenerating mouse liver

Bernhard Kuhn, MD, University of Pittsburgh
Polyploidy and binucleated cells in the heart during development and regeneration

Yoichiro Tamori, PhD, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima Japan
Mechanical stretch-induced polyploidization in compensatory cellular hypertrophy

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