

今日でもう2月が終わりとは、早いな。。。ついにhectic Marchの始まりか。
そういえば、5月に大阪で開催されるAsia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conferenceの登録締め切りは今日の23:59までやん、ということで、先ほどアブストラクトをすべりこみサブミットしたんだけども、ウェブサイトのNewsっていうところに「The deadline is extended by March 7th.」って書いてある。そうなん?日本の学会ってたいがいアブストのデッドラインを延長するよね。


multiple Drosophila

Genetic and transgenic reagents for Drosophila simulans, D. mauritiana, D. yakuba, D. santomea and D. virilis.  bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/096644
Species of the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup, including the species D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. yakuba, and D. santomea, have long served as model systems for studying evolution. Studies in these species have been limited, however, by a paucity of genetic and transgenic reagents. Here we describe a collection of transgenic and genetic strains generated to facilitate genetic studies within and between these species. We have generated many strains of each species containing mapped piggyBac transposons including an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein gene expressed in the eyes and a phiC31 attP site-specific integration site. We have tested a subset of these lines for integration efficiency and reporter gene expression levels. We have also generated a smaller collection of other lines expressing other genetically encoded fluorescent molecules in the eyes and a number of other transgenic reagents that will be useful for functional studies in these species. In addition, we have mapped the insertion locations of 58 transposable elements in D. virilis that will be useful for genetic mapping studies.

ついにmelanogaster以外のDrosophiaでもgenetic reagentが充実していきそうな感じ。2005年にDartmouthのDr. AEラボで一緒にエボデボやり始めた J がセカンドに入っている。そういや J は、今年の5月からハイデルベルグのEMBLでラボを持つんだそうだ。





Open Now

ワインは、ラングドックルシヨン、ミネルヴォアの有機栽培とビオディナミによるものなんだそうな。ブレンドは、Syrah 60%、Mourvèdre 40%。お店で、「このワインは開くまで少し時間がかかりますよ」って教えてもらっていたので、飲む少し前から開けていたのだけど、それでも始めは確かにちょっと堅い印象。樽の木の香りが結構強めだけど、爽やかな酸味と甘いオレンジのような濃い味わい。旨い。
Domaine de Chamans Hegarty Minervois Open Now 2014


Tumor evolution

Clonal heterogeneity and tumor evolution: past, present, and the future.  Cell 168: 613–628.
"In a famous thought experiment, evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould asked, if the 'tape of life' could be turned back to the very beginning, would the same outcome prevail?  While re-playing the tape of life remains a hypothetical experiment, the 'tape of cancer' is being played and re-played with increasing regularity and too frequently with lethal results."


weird phenotype






Tamaya CS

Tamaya Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2014




compensatory response

Cancer brings forward oviposition in the fly Drosophila melanogaster.  Ecology and Evolution. 7: 272–276.
Hosts often accelerate their reproductive effort in response to a parasitic infection, especially when their chances of future reproduction decrease with time from the onset of the infection.  Because malignancies usually reduce survival, and hence potentially the fitness, it is expected that hosts with early cancer could have evolved to adjust their life-history traits to maximize their immediate reproductive effort.  Despite the potential importance of these plastic responses, little attention has been devoted to explore how cancers influence animal reproduction.  Here, we use an experimental setup, a colony of genetically modified flies Drosophila melanogaster which develop colorectal cancer in the anterior gut, to show the role of cancer in altering life-history traits.  Specifically, we tested whether females adapt their reproductive strategy in response to harboring cancer.  We found that flies with cancer reached the peak period of oviposition significantly earlier (i.e., 2 days) than healthy ones, while no difference in the length and extent of the fecundity peak was observed between the two groups of flies.  Such compensatory responses to overcome the fitness-limiting effect of cancer could explain the persistence of inherited cancer-causing mutant alleles in the wild.

Apcのmosaic cloneにesg-Gal4でRasV12を発現させることによって、adult flyにcolorectal cancerを誘導し、産卵数の推移をcontrolのnoncancerous flyと比較。その結果、colorectal cancerが誘導されたハエのfecundity peakは、noncancerousなものに比べて少し(2~3日)前倒しになった。fecundity peakにおけるtotal number of eggsとpeakのdurationに関しては、それほど大きな変化は見られなかったと。その、まぁ、それだけなんやけどね。


hypoxia biosensor

Drosophila HIF-1 homologue, Simaのoxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD) にGFPをくっつけたhypoxia biosensor。

A genetically encoded biosensor for visualizing hypoxia responses in vivo.  Biology Opendoi: 10.1242/bio.018226
Cells experience different oxygen concentrations depending on location, organismal developmental stage, and physiological or pathological conditions.  Responses to reduced oxygen levels (hypoxia) rely on the conserved Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 (HIF-1).  Understanding the developmental and tissue-specific responses to changing oxygen levels has been limited by the lack of adequate tools for monitoring HIF-1 in vivo.  To visualise and analyse HIF-1 dynamics in Drosophila, we used a hypoxia biosensor consisting of GFP fused to the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD) of the HIF-1 homologue Sima.  GFP-ODD responds to changing oxygen levels and to genetic manipulations of the hypoxia pathway, reflecting oxygen-dependent regulation of HIF-1 at the single-cell level.  Ratiometric imaging of GFP-ODD and a red-fluorescent reference protein reveals tissue-specific differences in the cellular hypoxic status at ambient normoxia.  Strikingly, cells in the larval brain show distinct hypoxic states that correlate with the distribution and relative densities of respiratory tubes.  We present a set of genetic and image analysis tools that enable new approaches to map hypoxic microenvironments, to probe effects of perturbations on hypoxic signalling, and to identify new regulators of the hypoxia response.




six feet under

"Until I'm six feet under
Baby I don't need a bed
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead"

今朝、目が覚めた時に頭の中で流れ始めたのはなぜか「I'll sleep when I'm dead」。
"six feet under” って、棺桶を埋葬するための穴の深さが6フィートであることから、「埋葬された」「死亡した」という意味なんだそうな。