Genetic and transgenic reagents for Drosophila simulans, D. mauritiana, D. yakuba, D. santomea and D. virilis. bioRxiv doi:
Species of the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup, including the species D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. yakuba, and D. santomea, have long served as model systems for studying evolution. Studies in these species have been limited, however, by a paucity of genetic and transgenic reagents. Here we describe a collection of transgenic and genetic strains generated to facilitate genetic studies within and between these species. We have generated many strains of each species containing mapped piggyBac transposons including an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein gene expressed in the eyes and a phiC31 attP site-specific integration site. We have tested a subset of these lines for integration efficiency and reporter gene expression levels. We have also generated a smaller collection of other lines expressing other genetically encoded fluorescent molecules in the eyes and a number of other transgenic reagents that will be useful for functional studies in these species. In addition, we have mapped the insertion locations of 58 transposable elements in D. virilis that will be useful for genetic mapping studies.
ついにmelanogaster以外のDrosophiaでもgenetic reagentが充実していきそうな感じ。2005年にDartmouthのDr. AEラボで一緒にエボデボやり始めた J がセカンドに入っている。そういや J は、今年の5月からハイデルベルグのEMBLでラボを持つんだそうだ。
削除あ、本当だ。structureが似てますね、、。ちなみにMGラボのは昨年くらいから今のスタイルですけど、僕は関与してないっすよ 笑