

昨晩は生化学会のシンポジウムのあと、スピーカーの皆さんと木屋町で懇親会。二次会の後、翌日さらに癌学会へ出席予定の3人で大阪へ。ということで結局大阪のホテルにチェックインしたのは深夜1時頃。すぐに就寝して、今日の朝一のシンポジウムへ。ということで、ここでは事後報告になってしまったけど、今日の朝、こちらのシンポジウムでトークしてきました。今日の話の内容は、Tumor Hotspots。

イメージング技術で紐解くがんの特性 〜 Characteristics of cancer revealed by bio-imaging technology
Fluorescent imaging is a powerful tool to investigate the cancer cell behavior. There are two kinds of fluorescent probes; one is genetically encoded proteins, such as GFP (green fluorescent protein), and the other is the chemical dyes. Fluorescent proteins can be a nice reporter for the expression of proteins-of-interest. Therefore the generation of various transgenic mice has been bringing us lots of knowledge of tumor heterogeneity, micro-environments with various types of cells. In contrast, chemical dyes already have been used in the clinical field. It is still challenging to label specifically the cancer cells. In this symposium, we have speakers covering a variety imaging methods both in basic and clinical research. Not only for obtaining the images, but the fluorescent light can be used also for manipulation of the cellular events in vitro and in vivo. The people in the hospital might be surprised to know that the fly (Drosophila melanogaster) forms cancers like mammals. We will learn what we can and cannot see by the specific methods, and how to integrate these techniques or tools for your own research.

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