

Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center のウェブサイトが新しくなったね。
「Features of the new site most relevant to users include the capability to search the BDSC stocks database, cart-based stock ordering, access to more information about your account and stock orders, easier navigation of website content, mobile friendly page layouts, and improved site security.」という感じなんだそうな。

そういや、FlyBase も近々新しく FlyBase 2.0 にリニューアルされるんだとか。もうBeta版は試せるようになってるけど、予告編のムービーがなかなかカッコエエやん。

「The NHGRI/NIH is significantly reducing the funding of FlyBase by 15% next year (which, with rising costs is normalized to 20%), and 20% (normalized to 30%) onward. With these cuts, we will not be able to deliver high quality, essential curation and tools. We are calling on you to help by implementing a scaled user fee within the next month. Please note: access to FlyBase is not contingent upon contributions — fee payment is at your discretion. Our goal is simply to put a mechanism in place to raise funds.」

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